Theories of Asian Architecture
In the module on Theories of Asian Architecture, I explored the history and principles of South, Southeast, and East Asian architecture. Three key themes, sustainability, tradition and modernity, and globalization, guided our studies. We established a theoretical foundation in urbanism and delved into the nuances of Asian architectural language through research posters and presentations. The module emphasized the connection between Asian architecture and the environment, examined the interplay of tradition and modernity, and explored the impact of globalization on architectural practices. This experience deepened my understanding of Asian architecture, developed my research and presentation skills, and fostered a critical perspective on architecture's societal role.
Through two significant assignments, I gained a deeper understanding of the themes of sustainability, tradition and modernity, and globalization within Asian architecture.
The first assignment emphasized the profound relationship between Asian architecture and sustainability, as well as the dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity. The theme of globalization highlighted the impact of international influences on architectural practices in Asia. In the second assignment, we focused on the specific contexts and socio-cultural meanings of traditional streets, employing problem-based learning to propose solutions. Through research posters and seminar presentations, I effectively communicated my insights and developed my presentation skills. Overall, this module expanded my knowledge of Asian architectural heritage, fostered critical thinking, and highlighted the importance of cultural and environmental considerations in design. I am confident that the experiences and skills gained during this module will shape my future approach to architecture, incorporating sustainability and cultural sensitivity in my practice.